Monday, January 5, 2009

He's such a trooper!!

All done! The surgery went great! G had tubes put in both ears and his adenoids removed. The doc said he drained tons of crap out of his ears & his nose. Hopefully this will help keep him healthy. I'll post more later! I've got pics and videos but they will have to wait until G goes to bed in a little while. Thanks for all your prayers!


The McCarter Family said...

God is good! I am sooo glad and thankful that everything went so well! Prayers for a speedy recovery!

Molly Woodall said...

YAY! I am so glad that he is doing well! I KNOW for a fact that he will feel lots better! I remember, back in the day,..... oh well - you've heard those stories!
I didn't comment on the "does a Gibson ______"....that was a hilarious post...too funny! AND oh my goodness....he will be so embarrassed one of these days. But that's what we Mommies are for isn't it?

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