Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'll fix it for you Mom!!

A few weeks ago, my poor top loader washer died. *wipes tear* It actually wasn't that old so it was pretty irritating that it died already but that is beside the point. So, we forked out the money for a new fancy front loader washer & dryer. Our logic was if this washer lasted 10 years or so then that's ten years of wahing larger loads with less water. Saving me time & money. Sounds like a good reason to spend a ton of money, right? (Getting the dryer is actually a whole different story because my old one still worked. Jason thought we might as well get a new dryer as well because if the old washer died, then the old dryer was probably taking it's last breath as well.) Anyways, the new washer hasn't really seemed like it worked right from day one. I kept telling myself I just wasn't used to the new washer's noises and that it was going to sound way different than my old washer because it was way different. All was going fairly well until last night. I went into the laundry room only to step in a pool of water. My brand new washer was leaking. NOT GOOD!!!
So, this morning when Jason got home from work, I was telling him about all the issues with the washer. Gibson was standing there and immediately started asking his usual 2 million questions. "Mom, what happened?" "Mom, what is that for?" "Mom, why is that there?" and so on and so on. I told him that the washer had leaked and it was broke. Here is how the rest of the conversation went.
G: Mom, are you sad that your washer weaking (leaking)?
Me: Yes Bubba. I'm sad that it is leaking.
G: Awwww. That's ok Mom. I'll fix it for you.

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