Sunday, January 4, 2009


I'll let you fill in the blanks on this one.

Does a bear, I mean Gibson, ____ in the woods?

(I know I'm terrible. But it was too good not to go there.) We were driving between Hughes Springs & Marietta last week and Gibson decided he had to go to potty. (and not #1.) So.....the only thing between Hughes Springs & Marietta is a REALLY curvy road and lots of woods. So, Gibson popped a squat. :) I couldn't resist and I took a picture from a distance so not to interrupt. I know one day he will hate me for taking this picture but oh well. That's just part of the mother job, right?

I've still have tons of pictures to post. I'll try and get caught up in the next week or so. My washer broke so I've been trucking our laundry down to Mom's to wash and back to our house to dry. Anyways, G's surgery is tomorrow. Please keep us in your prayers! I'll try and update tomorrow afternoon about the surgery. Have a great Monday!!

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