Saturday, January 24, 2009

Christmas Pics!!!

So I just realized that I hadn't posted any actual pics from Christmas. I start digging through the piles of pics to find the Christmas pics and I discover that I didn't take a single picture of Christmas morning at our house!! How bad of a mom am I? I'm not even sure what I was thinking. I don't specifically remember taking pictures but you would think that I would have. We had the video camera set up and recording. I had my hands empty to take pictures and yet there are no pictures. I'm a little irritated at myself. So now I'll step down off my soap box and just let you see the pics.
Christmas at my mom & dad's house...G playing with his new sleeping bag.
Tearing into some presents....
G got a fancy race car helmet with a steering wheel. Right up his alley!

Of course, the big hit was all the tow trucks he got for Christmas. I don't remember if I've mentioned that before but G is OBSESSED with tow trucks. He got a BIG tow truck from Santa and Nannie & Papaw got him 'Mater ' that he is playing with in this pic.

Jason & I gave G a bicycle for Christmas....complete with helmet and elbow pads. He rode it down to Nannie & Papaw's house. He did pretty good. Jason ended up pushing quite a bit. But almost a month later, he rides it all over the place and we hardly have to push him at all. I'm ready for warmer (not hot) weather so we will be able to ride some more.
The day after Christmas, we headed to Gran's house in Hughes Springs to celebrate Christmas with Jason's family. I'm not sure whose bat this is but G borrowed it.
Here Cousin Haley is giving G flying lessons. :)
A Cousin Dog Pile!!!!
Here's Nana posing with Avery, Braden, Gibson & Haley. I think they were pretty good posing for the silly face picture.

Sadly, that is it for Christmas pictures. *wipes tear* I still can't believe I didn't take any pics on Christmas morning with Santa. Oh well, I'll make a note to do better next year. I'm caught up on pics now. Yeah for me!!!!! Maybe now I'll stay caught up. (I doubt it!) :)
(Please excuse any typos and grammar mishaps. My fingers and this computer and not jiving tonight.)

1 comment:

Molly Woodall said...

WOW.......Gibson, I can't believe you are ALREADY riding a bike. You are AWESOME!
I love you,

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