Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Surgery Pics and Holes in the Nose Video!

One of these days I'm quite sure things will slow down so I can be a better blogger. :) Wishful thinking huh? I'm finally getting around to posting pics from G's surgery. I didn't take too many pictures. I was too busy videoing the blackmail video. :) I'll try and get one of those to post at the end of this post. I don't have a lot of luck with videos though so don't hold your breath.
We had to be at the hospital at 6 am for G's surgery at 8:45am. So for a little over 2 hours we just sat and tried to keep G entertained. What fun! Thank God I thought to bring a few toys. (Although in all honesty, I was very naive and thought he would be playing with the toys AFTER the surgery.) Here's G sporting some the hospital's stylish pj's.

He liked laying in the hospital bed BEFORE the surgery. After the surgery, he was not a fan of the bed at all.
G got a little of the 'good stuff' before the surgery. It made him pretty 'drunk' so to speak. And what kind of mom would I be if I didn't video it for blackmail? Apparently, the meds he got was kinda like the pain meds I got when I was in labor with G. It made my nose itch like CRAZY!! He eventually discovered his nose and then decided to pick it for a while. Kinda gross I know. But it is way more funny than it is gross. :) So enjoy! I'll try and post the other videos later if this one works.

Gibson did great during the surgery. The doctor got the tubes in and the adenoids out with no problem. After the surgery is a different story. He didn't react very well to the anesthesia. He started waking up and started fighting with the nurses at the same time. When Jason & I walked into recovery, there were 2 nurses trying to hold him and keep him from kicking them and pulling his iv out. He got some more good meds to help calm him down before we could leave recovery. After he calmed WAY down, we went to a post-op room where he got to eat a couple of Popsicles. He wasn't thrilled about having to eat or drink. He just wanted the iv out. The nurse told him she would take the iv out as soon as he ate a Popsicle and drank his juice. I don't think she was counting on G keeping track of EXACTLY when he finished his Popsicle and juice. As soon as he was done, he started pulling on the iv to get it out. He slept for another hour or so at the hospital and then we got to go home. Where he slept for another 3 or 4 hours. After his little cat nap, he was ready to go. Same old G.....wanting to play with his tow truck & race car. It was like nothing had happened. After a couple of weeks of REALLY bad breath, G got the doctor report yesterday that everything looked good. So, hopefully, we are set for the next year or so on tubes.

That's all I got for now. Eventually I'll get caught up on posting. Have a great rest of the week!

1 comment:

Molly Woodall said...

OH MOM.....you are gonna be in so much trouble when he gets older!
This is so precious!
Love you all!

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