I'm taking a pause from the vacation blog to post a halloween blog. (at this rate, i'll still be blogging on our vacation at christmas.)
On our vacation, we took a hay ride and picked a pumpkin from a pumpkin patch. We bubble-wrapped it, packed it in our suitcase and brought it home. Silly, huh? Anyways, Jason decided to carve it up. Gibson helped by scooping out the guts.

Here are the results of Jason's carving! Pretty good huh?

I really like this picture for some reason. It screams "Little Boy" to me.

On Saturday last week, we went to the Pumpkin Festival here in Paris. We were waiting in line to ride the ponies and Gibson decided to check out the petting zoo from the outside of the fence. At first, he was just looking...

but eventually he was petting the goats! We cheated $2 from the petting zoo people. Oops!

Finally, we made it to the pony rides (which was entirely too long by the way. a few more trips around in that circle and i would've been sick!)

Gibson holding on tight!

Tuesday was the Harvest Festival at Kiddie Kollege! As you can tell, Gibson was a boxer this year! Jason called him "Golden Boy Gibson".

Gibson was enjoying sticking his fingers in the cupcake at the class party.

One of Gibson's friends made the unfortunate mistake of dressing up as Elmo. So this is a picture of Gibson chasing the poor girl around screaming "Elmo!". Bless her heart! She got poked all day long by Gibson screaming "Elmo!". What can I say? He's a big Elmo fan!

Let's get ready to rumble!!!!!!!

Showing his muscles to Ms. Tammy (sorry I cut off the top of his head. i wasn't prepared for a kodak moment.)

Gibson has been doing really well with the potty training. He'll pee-pee in the potty 8 million times a day but has a hard time with poo-poo. Here he is sporting his race car big boy underwear accessorized with sunglasses (around his waist) and my spatulas. Crazy kid!

This year Trunk or Treat totally stressed me out. (it shouldn't have but i'm a 'tad' over-reactive sometimes. i've decided to seriously take a step back and work on that.) However, we did manage to get a pretty good picture of the four of us. What makes it a good picture is that all four of us are looking AT the camera. Not towards the camera but actually AT the camera. It was a miracle! (just ignore the fact that my eyes are almost closed. i'm really good at that.)

Gibson checking out the stars!

Trick or Treating with Loretta the Blue M & M

Already found a sucker and we weren't even finished Trick or Treating.

Gibson's best Rocky impersonation!

Trick or Treating at Jason's work

Digging through the loot

Trick or Treating at Nannie & Papaw's

Trick or Treating at Nanaw's

After a long night of Halloween fun, we had bath time fun! He loves for me to poor water on his belly!

And here's the last one! (I know you are thankful for that.)
Golden Boy Gibson & Payden the Lion

I'll get back to our vacation pics soon I promise! Gibson has had a stomach virus and I've been a little busy cleaning up if you know what I mean. ;)
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