Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Halloween (on Christmas)! :-)

Quick Halloween post! :)
Gibson was a cowboy this year. Six shooters, spurs & cowboy hat. He was SO excited!
Little man was only a couple of weeks old so he dressed up as a skeleton. (Thanks to a $3 onesie from Walmart.) You can't see his costume here but this was about as excited as he got this halloween.
Next year will be LOTS of fun!!

Brody's Birthday!

I'm finally getting around to Brody's birthday blog. :)

This is him VERY fresh! Are you kidding me??? I was not expecting a big baby. I was actually figuring he would be smaller than Gibson who was 7 lbs 6 oz. Oh well. That's what I get for thinking. :)
Gibson meeting his baby brother for the first time!

Proud Daddy pic!
My baby boy!!
Gibson getting to hold Brody for the first time. Lots of lovin'!
And.....he's done! He saw Brody, got to hold him & give him kisses. Now, he just wants to eat. He's still like that today. Doesn't really pay attention to him unless Brody is crying loud enough to interupt his cartoons.
Finally....a little room to stretch out!!
All cleaned up after his first bath. Handsome boy!!

Meet the Dyess family! All FOUR of us!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Brody's 3D sonogram pics!

Ok...I'm a terrible blogger. I really just need to get my priorities in line and stop being extremely lazy & blog every once in a blue moon. Although, honestly, I wouldn't expect that anytime soon since little Brody will be here in a month or so and I'll have even less time to contribute to the blog. I guess every once in a blue moon is better than nothing, right? :)

I thought I would add Brody's pics from his 3D sonogram. He was not the most cooperative but he did pretty good. Gibson went with us to the appointment and I probably won't make that same mistake again. He asked 452 questions and wanted to push every button on the sonogram machine. I guess I shouldn't expect anything different from a 4 year old. :)

Here's little man looking just like big brother. Gibson was all lips & cheeks when we did his 3d sonogram too. Brody was running out of room several weeks ago so I can only imagine how crowded the little guy is now.

The doctor let Gibson push the button to take this picture. Brody was re-positioning when Gibson pushed the button so Brody's hand is blurry and it looks like his foot instead of his hand.

Brody was probably pretty aggravated with us. All he wanted to do was sleep and we kept pushing on him to get a decent picture. Oh well! I guess he might as well get used to being tortured by big brother.

All of my pics of Gibson are still on my camera. I need to put them on the computer so I can post a few. He's getting so big. He is super excited to be a big brother. Although, I'm probably a little more excited for him to be a big brother. He's such a protector. I'm sure he'll take great care of Brody. Probably a little too good! :)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sono Pics....

Here's the latest pics! I'll be 20 weeks on Tuesday. Halfway there but not exactly looking forward to the hot months of summer. Should have probably thought that thru a little better! :)
He's definitely a little boy. The doc said if this one comes out a little girl, it fell off in there somewhere. :)

He was all curled up in a ball. As usual not cooperating very well. Gibson was the same way!

This is another pic of his boy parts.He wasn't real shy about showing those to us!

I have lots of Gibson pics to post. I'll try and get to that after Gibson goes to bed. However, if I'm being honest, it will probably be the weekend. Have a great Friday!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Gibson's First Baseball Game!

This is going to be a very abbreviated post because I'm falling asleep as I type. I'm still so far behind on posting pics. I haven't posted any pics from G's first baseball practice but I couldn't resist putting a few pics on here of Gibson's first baseball game! He did so great! He paid attention much better than I thought he was going to. Don't get me wrong....there were brief moments of playing in the dirt but overall he did really well. Gibson had SO much fun and to top it off, he got a snow cone after the game!

Before the game, Gibson was getting ready for the game @ home!

In the dugout....

Hitting a home run......ok....maybe not quite a home run but it did go into the field. Ignore the ball by the first base line. It's the extra ball that they use.Good game!

Gibson enjoying his snow cone with Kindle!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Baby Pics!!!

As usual, I'm SO behind on my posting. I have tons to post but so very little time to do it. Oh well. It will get done when it gets done. I'm not stressing! :) I thought I would post our latest sonogram pics of the baby. At least in these pics you can tell it's a baby. The first sonogram was basically just a dot...I was only 6 weeks along at that point. So here it is. I hate calling it "it". I'll be really glad when we know what it is. The doc said we MIGHT be able to tell what 'it' is next time. I'm REALLY not holding my breath on that one because I'll only be about 15 weeks. I'm kinda expecting to find out towards the end of May or June. I tend to have very uncooperative babies. :) Anyways, everything is fine. Nothing to report except I'm gaining a ton of weight because I'm hungry ALL the time. Oh well. That's part of what pregnancy is right? :) I'll try and post some more pics tomorrow.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Not Thursday Night....

So it's not Thursday night but Saturday is pretty close, right? I actually don't have too much to update. We went to the doctor on Thursday and left knowing about as much as when we went in. I'm definitly pregnant and due around October 20th. It is about 2 mm big, I mean small. ;) We did a sonogram and could see it's little heart beating. That's about it! Not too exciting huh? Next month will be a little more interesting. At least you'll be able to tell it's a baby. :)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Smiling Park Pictures!!

Jason, Gibson & I went to the park on my day off last week. It was a pretty day and the park was basically empty because school was still going on. Gibson had the run of the park which was fine with him. Here are a couple of pics from our park adventure. I still have Valentine's Day school party pictures to post & the rest of our park adventure.
Just a swingin'

Smiling while sliding!
I'll try and give you the doctor update on Thursday night. Have a great week!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Big News!!!

I give up! I've tried rotating this video for a really long time and I still can't figure it out. So just turn your head sideways and enjoy!!

In case you didn't understand him, he said "I'm going to be a big brother!" We are expecting another bundle of joy in the fall. I go to the doctor next week so we will know more then. I'll keep you posted. And I also have some pics to post. Yeah!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'll fix it for you Mom!!

A few weeks ago, my poor top loader washer died. *wipes tear* It actually wasn't that old so it was pretty irritating that it died already but that is beside the point. So, we forked out the money for a new fancy front loader washer & dryer. Our logic was if this washer lasted 10 years or so then that's ten years of wahing larger loads with less water. Saving me time & money. Sounds like a good reason to spend a ton of money, right? (Getting the dryer is actually a whole different story because my old one still worked. Jason thought we might as well get a new dryer as well because if the old washer died, then the old dryer was probably taking it's last breath as well.) Anyways, the new washer hasn't really seemed like it worked right from day one. I kept telling myself I just wasn't used to the new washer's noises and that it was going to sound way different than my old washer because it was way different. All was going fairly well until last night. I went into the laundry room only to step in a pool of water. My brand new washer was leaking. NOT GOOD!!!
So, this morning when Jason got home from work, I was telling him about all the issues with the washer. Gibson was standing there and immediately started asking his usual 2 million questions. "Mom, what happened?" "Mom, what is that for?" "Mom, why is that there?" and so on and so on. I told him that the washer had leaked and it was broke. Here is how the rest of the conversation went.
G: Mom, are you sad that your washer weaking (leaking)?
Me: Yes Bubba. I'm sad that it is leaking.
G: Awwww. That's ok Mom. I'll fix it for you.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Christmas Pics!!!

So I just realized that I hadn't posted any actual pics from Christmas. I start digging through the piles of pics to find the Christmas pics and I discover that I didn't take a single picture of Christmas morning at our house!! How bad of a mom am I? I'm not even sure what I was thinking. I don't specifically remember taking pictures but you would think that I would have. We had the video camera set up and recording. I had my hands empty to take pictures and yet there are no pictures. I'm a little irritated at myself. So now I'll step down off my soap box and just let you see the pics.
Christmas at my mom & dad's house...G playing with his new sleeping bag.
Tearing into some presents....
G got a fancy race car helmet with a steering wheel. Right up his alley!

Of course, the big hit was all the tow trucks he got for Christmas. I don't remember if I've mentioned that before but G is OBSESSED with tow trucks. He got a BIG tow truck from Santa and Nannie & Papaw got him 'Mater ' that he is playing with in this pic.

Jason & I gave G a bicycle for Christmas....complete with helmet and elbow pads. He rode it down to Nannie & Papaw's house. He did pretty good. Jason ended up pushing quite a bit. But almost a month later, he rides it all over the place and we hardly have to push him at all. I'm ready for warmer (not hot) weather so we will be able to ride some more.
The day after Christmas, we headed to Gran's house in Hughes Springs to celebrate Christmas with Jason's family. I'm not sure whose bat this is but G borrowed it.
Here Cousin Haley is giving G flying lessons. :)
A Cousin Dog Pile!!!!
Here's Nana posing with Avery, Braden, Gibson & Haley. I think they were pretty good posing for the silly face picture.

Sadly, that is it for Christmas pictures. *wipes tear* I still can't believe I didn't take any pics on Christmas morning with Santa. Oh well, I'll make a note to do better next year. I'm caught up on pics now. Yeah for me!!!!! Maybe now I'll stay caught up. (I doubt it!) :)
(Please excuse any typos and grammar mishaps. My fingers and this computer and not jiving tonight.)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

All the Raindrops....

Here is the other video. I'm totally guilty of purposely making him sing so that I could get the full effect of the medicine on video. PLEASE tune out my singing in the background. Jason is the singer in the family not me. :) I thought G did pretty good considering he was on the 'good stuff'. My favorite part of this video is G putting his hands in front of his face and looking thru his fingers. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have been able to pass a field sobriety test. Oh well, he had a designated driver so all was good. I hope you all have had a great week. Have an even better weekend!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Surgery Pics and Holes in the Nose Video!

One of these days I'm quite sure things will slow down so I can be a better blogger. :) Wishful thinking huh? I'm finally getting around to posting pics from G's surgery. I didn't take too many pictures. I was too busy videoing the blackmail video. :) I'll try and get one of those to post at the end of this post. I don't have a lot of luck with videos though so don't hold your breath.
We had to be at the hospital at 6 am for G's surgery at 8:45am. So for a little over 2 hours we just sat and tried to keep G entertained. What fun! Thank God I thought to bring a few toys. (Although in all honesty, I was very naive and thought he would be playing with the toys AFTER the surgery.) Here's G sporting some the hospital's stylish pj's.

He liked laying in the hospital bed BEFORE the surgery. After the surgery, he was not a fan of the bed at all.
G got a little of the 'good stuff' before the surgery. It made him pretty 'drunk' so to speak. And what kind of mom would I be if I didn't video it for blackmail? Apparently, the meds he got was kinda like the pain meds I got when I was in labor with G. It made my nose itch like CRAZY!! He eventually discovered his nose and then decided to pick it for a while. Kinda gross I know. But it is way more funny than it is gross. :) So enjoy! I'll try and post the other videos later if this one works.

Gibson did great during the surgery. The doctor got the tubes in and the adenoids out with no problem. After the surgery is a different story. He didn't react very well to the anesthesia. He started waking up and started fighting with the nurses at the same time. When Jason & I walked into recovery, there were 2 nurses trying to hold him and keep him from kicking them and pulling his iv out. He got some more good meds to help calm him down before we could leave recovery. After he calmed WAY down, we went to a post-op room where he got to eat a couple of Popsicles. He wasn't thrilled about having to eat or drink. He just wanted the iv out. The nurse told him she would take the iv out as soon as he ate a Popsicle and drank his juice. I don't think she was counting on G keeping track of EXACTLY when he finished his Popsicle and juice. As soon as he was done, he started pulling on the iv to get it out. He slept for another hour or so at the hospital and then we got to go home. Where he slept for another 3 or 4 hours. After his little cat nap, he was ready to go. Same old G.....wanting to play with his tow truck & race car. It was like nothing had happened. After a couple of weeks of REALLY bad breath, G got the doctor report yesterday that everything looked good. So, hopefully, we are set for the next year or so on tubes.

That's all I got for now. Eventually I'll get caught up on posting. Have a great rest of the week!

Monday, January 5, 2009

He's such a trooper!!

All done! The surgery went great! G had tubes put in both ears and his adenoids removed. The doc said he drained tons of crap out of his ears & his nose. Hopefully this will help keep him healthy. I'll post more later! I've got pics and videos but they will have to wait until G goes to bed in a little while. Thanks for all your prayers!

Sunday, January 4, 2009


I'll let you fill in the blanks on this one.

Does a bear, I mean Gibson, ____ in the woods?

(I know I'm terrible. But it was too good not to go there.) We were driving between Hughes Springs & Marietta last week and Gibson decided he had to go to potty. (and not #1.) So.....the only thing between Hughes Springs & Marietta is a REALLY curvy road and lots of woods. So, Gibson popped a squat. :) I couldn't resist and I took a picture from a distance so not to interrupt. I know one day he will hate me for taking this picture but oh well. That's just part of the mother job, right?

I've still have tons of pictures to post. I'll try and get caught up in the next week or so. My washer broke so I've been trucking our laundry down to Mom's to wash and back to our house to dry. Anyways, G's surgery is tomorrow. Please keep us in your prayers! I'll try and update tomorrow afternoon about the surgery. Have a great Monday!!

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers