If it's not one thing, it's another! Our stupid internet has been broke for almost a week now. But, after talking with the Pakistan Technical Support on several different occasions and FINALLY getting someone who speaks english to come out to the house, they determined our stupid modem was broke. And, of course, the 3 MONTH warranty (does anyone else think that is STUPID?) had expired. So, here again I fork out $62 for a new modem. It irritates me but I choke up the money because I love having internet at home. Ok....so I'll step down from my soap box now. :)
It was "I" week a couple of weeks ago at KK's house. They dressed up as indians and this is what was left of Gibson's indian face when I picked him up.
So this year, we ordered Gibson's halloween costume online and decided he was going to be a 'disco man'. We found this glasses and Gibson thought they were pretty funny.
Here's is Gibson's 'disco man' impersonation. We axed this costume once we got it tried on him. It's about 4" too short and my mom says he looked more like Elton John than a disco man. I'm a fan of some of Elton John's music but not so much his fashion sense.
On Tuesday night before Halloween, the three of us are at Walmart trying to find Gibson something to wear to his parties at school and to Trick or Treat. We found a pirate costume that was a small youth (size 6-8). So, with a little help from Loretta, we trimed it up and it turned out pretty cute. Gibson had his school party on Thursday. They had a small festival and then a class party. As usual, Gibson had a lot of fun! Friday morning, KK had a party at her house. Gibson really racked up at this party. He had a bag full of candy and treats. Gibson had a good Halloween this year. Gibson got WAY too much candy but I managed to get most of it put up before he dug in to far. Jason was able to get cover from work for a few hours this year so he could go with us. We took Gibson to trick or treat at the church Trunk or Treat where he was scared of anyone with a mask on. (My poor nephew broke his leg at Trunk or Treat. Needless to say, his halloween wasn't so great. The doctor put a bent cast on his leg Monday. It's there for at least 4 weeks and then he'll get another cast that will be straight so he can start walking again.) After Trunk or Treat, we stopped at a few more places before Jason had to go back to work. Once Jason was back at work, Gibson and I headed to the circle track to watch Josh race. During intermission, the drivers pulled their cars onto the track so that the kids could trick or treat there as well. Gibson and I got through about 8 cars and then his bag broke because it was so full of candy. I decided we had enough. (I know most of you aren't interested in any of this. It's all info for his keepsake book.) And just in case you were wondering where all the pics are of these exciting adventures, my stupid battery died about 2 minutes into trick or treating at the church. So no pics! :(
At KK's house before the halloween party
Here's Payden at school on Thursday (before the broke leg)
Before Halloween, Nannie & Papaw went to Branson for a vacation. The whole time they were gone Gibson made sure everyone knew that in four day Nannie & Papaw were coming home with a surprise for him. So he was THRILLED to get this little contraption. We call it the sword (probably not the techinal term for it). It lights up and he LOVES it!

Gibson was kind enough to pose for me a few weeks ago while we played in the front yard. I couldn't pick my favorite so there is a million of them. Sorry!

Love this one!

Gibson says his eyes are broke in this picture because he only has one.
I've got some more pics and a few videos but I'm falling asleep as I type so I'll post those later!
Ohhhh those precious blue eyes! But, you know that "Donkey" loves the broke eye the best! haha!
I LOVED the Disco man/Elton John costume! Groovy!
I Love You!
He is such a beautiful little boy! What great pics to treasure!Aubrie has been calling him her "boyfriend" lately! It's about to make her daddy crazy!
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