I'm so excited! My camera is back from the Geek Squad doctor. Yeah!!!!! I have just a few pics and a video! I was going thru withdrawals without my camera so I've gone a little overboard. :)
Hope you enjoy!
Gibson had a great day yesterday. Payden came over to play with him. Gibson got a haircut and then went to McDonald's. After McDonald's, we all went to the park to play where he played for a hour or so. Afterwards, we came home to attempt a nap but he refused! So, Payden & Gibson played the entire afternoon. Until about 5pm when he could go no longer!
He was a little more chipper this morning!
What a great smile!

Here Gibson is singing a song he learned at daycare. They have a program coming up in December and this is one of the songs they will perform. It's called "What-a-le-a-cha" or something like that. You probably won't be able to understand everything he sings but it's cute anyway! :)
Pay no attention to the piles of laundry and the mess in the living room. It is your imagination....I do not have a messy house. :)
That's it for now! There will be LOTS more pics to come....I have to play catch up. ;)
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