We are in the Christmas spirit here at the Dyess household.
Gibson was completely enthralled with "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas".
The finished product....at least finished in Gibson's eyes. He lost interest at this point!
Up close and personal
Sporting the Santa hat only moments before Daisy found it on the ground and ate the fuzzy ball off the end of it! Dang dog!
Gibson is moving to a big boy chair at the table! It makes me sad to put the high chair up. He's growing up too fast! His booster seat came with a step stool which is only about 3" off the ground. So he's made a game of jumping off of it. You'd think he was jumping off a cliff! He has a blast!
Stumming on the git-fiddle (aka guitar).
This is the kind of mood the kid was in today! Just one of those day where he figured out how to push every button I had. I'm glad these kind of days are few and far between.
I caught him admiring the Christmas tree! He likes to point out all the snowmen and Santa's. (and there are a bunch!) Usually keeps him busy for a few minutes.
(Oh and can you see the ball-less Santa hat in the corner of the pic?)

This is the kind of mood the kid was in today! Just one of those day where he figured out how to push every button I had. I'm glad these kind of days are few and far between.
(Oh and can you see the ball-less Santa hat in the corner of the pic?)