Thursday, December 4, 2008


We're back from the ENT doctor. Gibson's ears are full of fluid. They aren't infected at this point but they are full. Yuck! So here's the deal! Gibson is getting tubes in his ears and getting his adenoids removed. Part of me is relieved. The tubes should help with the chronic ear infections and help improve his speech. Removing his adenoids should help with his breathing. The other part of me is scared to death because he will have to be put under anaesthea to have the adenoids removed. I'm not thrilled about him being intubated and put under anaesthea but I'm trying to look at the bigger picture. He would be well a lot more often and feel much better! I know that it is a simple surgery and I really like and trust the doctor. Surgery is scheduled for December 29th. The doctor said he should be back to normal by the next day and ready to play with all his new Christmas toys. :) Please keep us in your prayers!

ps-I'll have pictures to post this weekend of Gibson's Christmas play.


The McCarter Family said...

I just got caught up on your last 2blogs...Emma just had tubes as you know and its not that bad! I can't say about the adenoids, but I'm sure when he feels better you will be glad you did it!!! We will definitely be praying!

Also, we DID have the checkbook at T&T and DID have Aubrie's picture made for a whoppin' $20 (ridiculous)!!! The guy didn't even look like Santa Claus! Be glad you didn't do it!!!

Tammy said...

We will be praying for Gibson's surgery and for his mommy! I love the pictures in the leaves on your last post!

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