Friday, December 19, 2008

Can I offer you something to drink?

Tonight we decorated the Christmas tree down at Mom & Dad's house. (A little late I know....but they have been remodeling so the last few weeks have been crazy.) When we got home, Gibson wanted orange juice to drink. I open the fridge to find the following:
Orange Juice....
Egg Nog (for Jason! Yuck!).......
Leftover spaghetti for tomorrows lunch........
No....we did not eat at a Thai or Chinese restaurant. (I know that's really gross. I've been hanging out with Jason for too long.) It's Gibson's dog that he sleeps with. Technically, he has 4 dogs. He has had them since he was very little. I rotate dogs and keep them washed. When he is ready to go to sleep, he holds the satin side of the dog on his face and rolls his head from side to side until he falls asleep. Anyways, I'm not sure how dog got in the fridge but Gibson thought it was pretty funny that dog was in the fridge with his orange juice. :)
Gotta get to's 12:31 in the morning and I had a late night last night too. I need sleep! Have a great Friday!

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