Sunday, December 28, 2008

Santa trades sleigh for ambulance!

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! We had a great Christmas. Gibson got a tow truck (which is ALL he has asked for for months) and a trampoline from Santa. Jason & I got him a bike and a few other things. All in all, as usual, Gibson racked up and now it's up to me to try to figure out how to fit it all in our house.
With all the Christmas festvities, I've gotten VERY behind on posting pictures. This post is from Jason's work Christmas party. We basically all bring a dish of food and Jason's boss supplies the turkey, ham and a few veggies. I should have took a picture of all the food we had this year. We could have fed a large army with all the leftovers we had. Needless to say, all the shifts ate very well with all the leftovers we had.
Santa squeezes in time every year to come to the part. (Just for the record....this Santa is as close to the real Santa as you can get. The pictures don't do him justice at all. I'll try and post a video so you can get a little better idea. He's an amazing Santa.) Every year he arrives at the Christmas party in an ambulance. (I know....kinda corny.....but the kids love it.) This is the first year Gibson has been beyond excited to see Santa. I know this first picture is very blurry but he was running at the time. I think you can see the excitement on his face through the blur. :)
Santa makes his entrance and Gibson goes right up to him to give him hugs.
Gibson is answering the 'Have you been good?' question with a very enthusiastic 'Yes!'.

Waiting patiently for his turn to see Santa
I tried & tried to get a good picture of Gibson & Santa. Santa was very cooperative......Gibson not so much.

Another one....

Last one....

After taking present requests, Santa passes out presents that he brought....

The kids all had to wait and open them after every kid had a present.....Gibson had a hard time waiting
Trying to start a little early....

Finally! Tear in!

A race car!!!!
Playing with his new race car!

After the Christmas party, we all went downtown to ride around Bywaters Park. Roger, one of Jason's fellow workers, gives rides around the park for free in his buggy pulled by a GIANT horse. :) Roger was brave enough to let Gibson drive by himself. I was not brave enough to get out of the buggy to take a picture but I wish I would have.
Here's Gibson petting Ruth, the GIANT horse....

I'm skipping a couple of events to show you our Christmas eve pictures. Jason was on duty Christmas eve so Gibson & I were left to get everything ready for Santa. Here Gibson is with the milk and cookies we set out for Santa.

Gibson wanted to write Santa a note. I helped but Gibson signed his name.

Posing in front of the Christmas tree before he goes to bed.

That's it for brain is tired and my back is killing me! Just in case I don't get the next post done before the new year, let me go ahead and wish everyone a very Happy New Year!

1 comment:

The McCarter Family said...

Great pics! You know that Aubrie has dibs on Gibson for the future, right?!

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