Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Don't want to forget....

I'm 'borrowing' the idea for this post off someone else's blog I stalk. :) hehe! She posts cute little things her kids say so she won't forget them. What a great idea! I usually print out my blog every few months so I can add it to Gibson's box of keepsakes. So, here goes...
I was tucking Gibson in bed tonite telling him what a big helper he had been to me the last couple of days. I was sick all day Monday and he took such good care of me. We went to Walmart tonite and he helped me push the buggy all through the store while I shopped and not once did he misbehave. So, I was thanking him for being such a big boy. The conversation went something like this:
S: Thank you for being momma's big helper!
G: Yea (he needed to say Yes Ma'am but we are working on that)
S: Gibson, you are such a big boy!
G: Momma, you are a big boy too!


Rachel said...

So cute! That's a great idea to put it on your blog. By the way, in response to your earlier comment, I love the name Coleman. It was already on my top 5 list of names, but Clint doesn't love it, so it finally got cut.

Unknown said...

hi! I kind of just stumbled along your blog. :-)
Since you love to write down the cute things your son may liek this.
It is a website where you can actually turn your blog into a book/keepsake! :-) It turns out so cute!

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