Friday, February 22, 2008

Years ago....

I have some new pictures to post but haven't downloaded them to the computer yet.
So I thought I'd reminisce for a minute. :)
Here's Gibson 1 year ago. Quite handsome after a haircut. :)

This picture absolutely cracks me up! I'm not entirely sure how he is even breathing. :) Anyways, this one is Gibson 2 years ago. HILARIOUS!

And finally here's Gibson 3 years ago. :) I thought this would be such a cute little post. Remembering years before. But now I just wish I was that size right now. I just remembered that those pants I'm wearing in the picture are the same pants I wore throughout my pregnancy. I doubt I could even wear them now. This started out as a good idea but now....not so much. I'm depressed.
I think I'll go walk on the treadmill. :)
(Current pictures of Gibson coming soon! I promise!)

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