Friday, February 8, 2008


This is going to be short. I'm so tired that I can't even think straight. I don't have much to report. We're still battling the potty training monster. He has his good days where we pee-pee in the potty and we get a m&m. But then there are those days where he could care less about the whole thing. We'll get there. Once again, I'm learning patience. :) Other than that, things are good.

Gibson decided to show off his musical talents this evening by performing his rendition of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". That's only the last 20 seconds or so of the video. I don't have any idea what song he is jamming to at the beginning. But notice how he closes his eyes when he really starts jamming. That's definitely a Dyess family trait he got from his Daddy and his GUM (Great Uncle Marty).

This is what I found when I came home from work on Tuesday. Gibson sleeping in the middle of the floor wearing my hooded sweatshirt. After school on Tuesday, he was sooo tired. As usual, he refused to take a nap and by about 5:00pm that afternoon, he had gone as long as he could go. So he slept in the middle of the living room floor. :)Last Picture of Gibson practicing!!

That's it. Short & Sweet! I'll try more tomorrow maybe when I'm more awake. :)

Have a great weekend!


Molly Woodall said...

Oh My G Man...You are practicing so much, you have got to start playing with P.O.S.!
Love you!

Anonymous said...

He is so precious!! I love him singing and tuning up the guitar...priceless!!

The McCarter Family said...

Ahhh! That was so cute! He and Aubrie need to get together and sing!

Molly Woodall said...

Gibson....I hope you are feeling lots better.
I love you,

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