Friday, July 18, 2008

Zoo Trip

As promised, here are ton of pictures from the last couple of months. I've only updated a couple of different events in this post. There are still a lot more to go! Can you tell I'm really enjoying my new camera? :)
(on a different subject, do any of you other bloggers know of a quick way to upload pictures? I can only upload five at a time and I just keep thinking there has to be a faster way that I just don't know about. if there is, can you pass along any info to help this really inpatient person along? taking forever to upload pics is the number one reason i don't blog anymore than i do. i'm the most impatient person sometimes. thanks in advance for your help.)
So, we usually visit Jason at work on his shift days. Even if it is just for a quick hello and goodbye, Gibson always wants to see the ambulance! He usually wants to turn on the lights and every once in a while, Jason will accommodate his request. :)
Here's my professional baseball player! Gibson was playing baseball with Nana and hit the ball a good 20 feet or so! We've got the next Josh Hamilton in the making!
This is Gibson's version of a 'silly face'. What a silly boy!
So, Gibson has never been a water baby! He can't stand to get his head wet. He even hates washing his hair in the bathtub. But we've really been working on getting him more comfortable with the water. These next few pictures are from one of his first days in the water this summer. He did really good! He wore his floaties and floated by himself a couple of times. He's gotten much better since this pic. Now he'll swim all the way across the pool with his floaties on. I'm hoping that by the end of the summer, he'll go under water. We'll keep working on it!
On this particular night, Jessica, Kimberly, Payden, Tammy & Maddie had been swimming right before we got there. Well, when Gibson got in the pool and Maddie couldn't get back in, this is the reaction we got from Maddie! She was devastated! Bless her heart!
Here's Gibson & Daddy having fun in the 'mimming pool'.
Finally, Gibson swam all be himself for just a few minutes! What a big boy!
I mentioned in my last post that we took a huge family trip to the Tyler zoo. One of the first animals we came to was the otters. And we got there just in time to see the otters perform. Gibson decided to get comfortable for the otter viewing!
The otter looks like a log but he decided to say hi to Gibson!
After our otter viewing, we found the white tiger exhibit. Next to the air-conditioned penguin exhibit, this was my favorite! The tigers were HUGE! I know we are all pretty morbid people because one of the first things we thought about was the people that get mauled by these animals. How anyone could survive is beyond me? This picture isn't the best for a couple of reasons. One....Gibson turned his head to look at the other tiger that isn't in the picture about the time I took the pic. Two.....apparently the tiger needed to go to the bathroom about the time I decided to take the pic. Tigers are not modest at all! you can barely see this one either. But it was pretty amazing to see such a huge animal up close.
This is kinda hard to see too but the white tiger jumped in the water to play and cool off! I thought it was pretty cool!
Payden checking out the fish that are in the 'watee'!
Gibson looking at the cheetahs!

This is our first attempt at a group shot. Oh well! We can try again later! I don't know why Blogger decided to turn this picture sideways. But here's Gibson checking out the penguins. (This was my favorite exhibit even though it stunk REALLY bad. I got over the smell really fast when I realized it was air-conditioned.)
I think Gibson drank about 3 bottles of water and/or Gatorade while we walked thru the zoo! All those liquids and no accident! I was so proud of him!
Cool man!
Gibson was sure that Papaw & Dad needed help pushing Maddie's stroller so he decided to help!
Dad, Gibson & Nana checking out some animal with horns. :)
Payden doing his serious pose by the giraffes!
Look Daddy! Giraffes!
I thought the giraffes were beautiful!
Payden enjoyed the zoo as well but he was getting pretty tired towards the end!
Look Mom! Elephants!

I asked the elephant to pose in this picture and look how well he listened. These elephants are trained really well. Oh and Gibson really was having fun. You just can't tell it from these pictures.
Gibson decided to call the elephant with his elephant impersonation.
Another attempt at a group picture of the usual, at least one of them aren't looking!
Father & Son taking a break and watching the elephants
See Mom! My feet aren't that big! (At least not as big as an elephant's foot.) I took a picture of the bathroom so that I could remember to mention that Gibson wore his big boy underwear the entire day without a single accident! What a big boy!
One extremely hot & tired little boy!
Nice goat!
Payden thought Gibson petting the goats was pretty funny!
No! Stop Payden! That's the wrong end! :)
After petting the goats, Gibson was excited to wash his hands with the monkey again!
After our zoo adventure, we had a picnic! Payden decided that he was going to try and escape about the time I decided to take a picture.
The kids decided it was more fun for them to pretend like they were an exhibit in the zoo.
After a long & hot day, Gibson fell asleep less than 20 minutes out of Tyler!

Next post.....Gibson's birthday party!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Great pictures! I need to take Roselyn to the zoo before it gets any hotter. Or maybe I'll go to the Dallas Aquarium - isn't it indoors?

For faster uploads, I use Picasa, which is a free program by Google to organize my pictures, then I export the ones I want to use to a smaller file format, which makes the picture files a lot smaller, which makes for MUCH faster uploads. Call me and I can step you through it if you're interested.

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