To be the battleship!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
A Day at the Beach
Monday, October 22, 2007
Bass Pro Shop, Airplanes and Shuffleboard
Gibson was not a fan of the shark. We sat him down in front of it to take his picture and he started scooting away as fast as he could. It's a good thing I'm such a professional photographer and was quick enough to make sure he was in the picture. :)
Gibson wasn't a fan of the fish either! I'm not sure why because he usually likes them. Maybe it was because most of the fish were as big as he is!
Finally, Gibson did like the ducks! Yeah!!
So, bright & early Sunday morning, we're up and at 'em! Jason and I were up at 4:00 to make sure we had everything ready to leave at 5:00. Gibson was lucky enough to sleep until 4:30am. We made it to the airport in plenty of time to get through security (which was an act of congress) and eat breakfast before our flight.
Here is Gibson before we boarded the plane. He looks much better than Jason and I did at 5:00 in the morning. (He wore his Curious George airplane shirt just for the occasion.)
Did I mention that this was the first flight for any of us? Yes I know, until now I've lived in the stone ages. I wasn't really that nervous about flying. I was more nervous about how Gibson was going to do. But he never acted any different than he does if he's riding in the car. He never even whimpered. He did soooooo good! I was very relieved. Actually, none of us never really got sick. I just felt really disoriented the entire first flight. We had a 40 minute layover in Memphis and then a 2 hour flight to Raleigh. The second flight was much better than the first with the exception of the landing. Thank God the brakes worked on the plane! Here's the only picture that I got on the plane. Sorry but the rest of the time I was too busy trying to entertain Gibson and trying not to puke. :)Finally, we landed in Raleigh and then drove a couple of hours to Jacksonville to Nana & Poppy's house (Jason's mom and step-dad). There we confiscated the neighbor's see-saw. She didn't mind though. Gibson had a ball. He played outside until it was dark. I guess all that energy had built up through 2 plane rides and a 2 hour car ride.
We also stole a car! Gibson liked the car a lot. Although we kept having to convince him he wasn't Fred Flintstone because he liked using his feet for brakes.
Eventually, Gibson's grand theft auto turned into Gibson Shuffleboard. (Don't be alarmed...we were in the street but on a cul-de-sac, under adult supervision and we normally don't let Gibson play in the street.) The faster we pushed him the happier he was.
By the end of the day, Gibson was exhausted! He slept like a baby!
Stay tuned for the beach!!
Monday, October 8, 2007
Peek-a-Boo, Band Practice, Chocolate & Bed Time
Gibson tucked Elmo in bed at some point today. This is what I found when I was getting Gibson ready for bed tonight.
Obviously, Gibson hasn't heard about not putting babies to sleep on their bellies! Poor Elmo!
Sleeping like a baby!
We're visiting family in a few days so I should have lots more pics then! I'll try and not take a month to post them! :)