It's been quite a while since my last (somewhat over-dramatic) post. We've been very busy. I'll try and catch you up but it'll probably take several posts. :) I've been keeping Payden on the days that I'm at home with Gibson. Gibson & Payden are absolutely fascinated with Baby Einstein videos. I'm not quite sure what is so great about them but whoever invented Baby Einstein is a genius!
Here they are intrigued with the On the Farm Baby Einstein movie.
Gibson is laughing at the puppets in the Baby Einstein movie. Again, i don't understand it but greatly appreciate it.
Here the boys are watching Little Einstein (a close cousin to Baby Einstein and still greatly appreciated). Gibson likes to get as close as possible to the TV. I'm constantly pulling him back from the TV. I guess he thinks he might miss something if he's not exactly 1" away from the screen. But, apparently, that only applies to Gibson. He did not appreciate Payden getting that close to the TV. He kept pushing Payden's hands off the entertainment center which made him fall on his bottom. Then Gibson would get behind him and pull him away from the TV. He's soooo bossy!
Gibson's Nana and Poppy came "home" to Texas from North Carolina. They were able to visit for a couple of weeks. While Nana was down, we went to Gran's house (Gibson's great grand-mother) to visit Jason's family. We had a house full. I think I counted close to 30 at one point. Gibson was a little overwhelmed at first but settled in pretty quick. He couldn't have been happier since he was able to play outside for 2 days straight. For some reason, Gran's house didn't have mosquitoes the size of birds waiting to feast on fresh meat (mainly me). We went swimming (which I don't have any pics of. not sure how that happened.) and played a vicious tournament of badminton. by the way, I'm officially the worst badminton player in the world. The next several pics are from our visit at Gran's house.
Nana brought Gibson a four-wheeler all the way from North Carolina. He LOVES it. He drove it all over the place at Gran's. He thinks it's hilarious to "speed" through the yard. Here Gibson is "drinking (juice) and driving" while 2nd Cousin Avery tries to hold him back and 2nd Cousin Braden directs him where to go. He appreciated the help for about a minute at which point he lost interest in the whole thing.
OK....these stupid pictures are not in chronological order like I thought they were. That's aggravating.
Anyways, moving right along. Gibson's favorite uncle and one of his favorite two aunts bought a swimming pool. Joshua, Jessica and I put it together in what felt like triple digit temperatures while Gibson watched his Little Einstein movie in the air conditioned car (parked directly beside the pool. I decided the gas waste would be worth my sanity and a swimming pool.)
Once we got the pool together, we stuck Gibson in while we filled it up. He wasn't too sure about it at first. I kept re-assuring him it was a great big bathtub but he wasn't buying it. Eventually, he assisted in filling the pool with water. He's such a big help.

After about 2 minutes of helping, he was ready to go. (I'm amazed at how fast this kid can shimmy up a ladder.)
1 comment:
Woohoo to baby einsteins!! I love the picture of Gibson and Jason kissing while Jason is playing the guitar!! Too cute!! Love yall!!
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