Monday, June 11, 2007

The "Terrible Twos" War Continues...

Well, it's been a few day since my last update. We're still here fighting the bed battles, the tantrum war and the potty combat zone. So basically, we're fighting the "Terrible Twos". AAAAAAAHHHHH! (i feel much better now.) I swear my kid has multiple personalities. You never know which kid you're going to wake up to-Grouchy Gibson, Goofy Gibson or Gleeful Gibson. (that last adjective was a stretch, i know.) He's always been extremely tempermental but this is ridiculus. I just keep thinking (hoping & praying) that I'll wake up tomorrow and the "terrible twos" will be gone! I guess I'll have to wait about 365 days or so, huh? Anyways, other than that, we're all doing fine. Gibson will repeat anything you say. It's so funny! We'll say some crazy things just to hear him attempt to say them. We had pictures made today with Payden. Gibson was not feeling the love today for Payden. He wanted nothing to do with him. But we got some really cute ones. I'll try and post a couple when we get the proofs back. I'm not promising anything though. I may not be smart enough to figure out how to do that. ;-) Until then, here's a couple of pics I took from home.

Here's a pic of Gibson watching Blue's Clues. He's a huge fan!

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