Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Night!!

I can't remember the last time that it snowed this much. It's crazy. We checked earlier this afternoon at work and we had 6 inches sitting on our trucks. And what's even better is that it is good snow. You know...the good snowball fight & snowman making snow. Gibson is beyond thrilled that it has snowed this much. He has been wanting to play in it all day long but I haven't let him because he has been sick. He has croup (supposedly). I'm not entirely convinced because the kid doesn't act sick at all. He definitely has a cough & it sounded croupy on Monday morning but by mid-morning Monday, his cough was dry & less barky. He hasn't ran any fever (that I've caught) & he's still eating really well. He does act tired quite a bit but I'm not convinced that it's because of croup. Anyways, all that just to say that I finally let him play in the snow for a few minutes when we got home from work. It THRILLED his little soul! Can't you tell?

Brody, on the other hand, was not as excited. I really wanted pictures of him in his first big snow. Jason is at work today & all day tomorrow so I had to do the snow picture thing by myself. So, I stuck him in his bumbo chair & threw him out in the snow where he could have cared less about the snow. He just kept giving me the same expression. He did finally look at a car that was driving down the road but the rest of the 25 pictures are the exact same 'What in the world are you doing' expression. Oh well. At least I have proof of him in his first big snow.

Here's the best picture of the two of them. Why is that if I get a good picture of Brody, Gibson is making some goofy face. And if I get a good picture of Gibson, then Brody has his hand over his mouth. Oh well. I guess I better get used to it.

I hope Gibson is feeling much better tomorrow so he can play in the snow & build the snowman he's been begging for. I love all this pretty snow but I'm not gonna love it so much when it's all melted & the yard is even more flooded than it was. Maybe it'll dry out sometime in August. :) Have a great Friday!!

1 comment:

The McCarter Family said...

I am sooo jealous! I am in San Antonio at a convention and missed EVERYTHING snow related with the girls...its not like it comes that often, and I WOULD be gone when it actually did happen! I love the pic of the 2 of them...and yep get used to it...impossible to get a good picture of them BOTH smiling and looking at the camera! Oh well, something we can laugh about when they are older! Emma has had croup too and it sounds like they had similar symptons (not very many)...anyway...great post! Love ya, girl!

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