Saturday, January 16, 2010

Triple B....Big Boy Brody!!

Here's our little big man! Brody is 3 months old now & quite the heavyweight. :) He weighs about 15 lbs. That's not official because we won't go back to the doc until his 4 months check-up. He's quite the ham. He loves to play pat-a-cake. He likes to eat (a lot) but doesn't like to burp. :( He has acid reflux which is SO sad. I hate it when he hurts. He's sleeping through the night now. (Insert choirs singing HALLELUJAH!!!!) He naps from about 9pm or so until his last bottle at 11pm & then will sleep until 7am or so. I cannot put into words how much this thrills me. :) I hope I can cut out that last bottle pretty soon so I can start getting in bed at a decent hour. We have a pretty good routine down now. He goes to work with me if Jason is working. If Jason is off, then he keeps B at home. He naps pretty good most days. Overall, he's a pretty good baby. He's not big into lying on his belly for belly time. Neither was Gibson. Brody could already use a haircut. He has hairs around his ears that when pulled straight go below his ear lobe. Don't worry...there's no haircut in sight for B at this point. I'm hoping I get to wait until that magical one year old mark. However, G had his first haircut at 7 months so I'm not crossing my fingers B will make it to a year old without looking like a hippie. :) Brody loves his big brother. He thinks G is hilarious. Gibson has started playing with B more. For a while, G ignored B unless he was crying loud enough that G couldn't hear his cartoons. Now, Gibson will talk to B about his day & he likes to give him hugs & kisses before bedtime. Ok....enough of my rambling for now. I may eventually come back & add more info here for B's baby book. But for now, I'm done. Enjoy a few pics of Bruiser Brody!

1 comment:

Molly Woodall said...

AWWWW I love that Bruiser Brody! What a great nickname! And how cool will it be, when he gets older, to know that B.B. was a wrestler! What a great guy thing that will be!
I love the pictures! He's got such a personality!
Love you 4!

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