Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Halloween (on Christmas)! :-)

Quick Halloween post! :)
Gibson was a cowboy this year. Six shooters, spurs & cowboy hat. He was SO excited!
Little man was only a couple of weeks old so he dressed up as a skeleton. (Thanks to a $3 onesie from Walmart.) You can't see his costume here but this was about as excited as he got this halloween.
Next year will be LOTS of fun!!

Brody's Birthday!

I'm finally getting around to Brody's birthday blog. :)

This is him VERY fresh! Are you kidding me??? I was not expecting a big baby. I was actually figuring he would be smaller than Gibson who was 7 lbs 6 oz. Oh well. That's what I get for thinking. :)
Gibson meeting his baby brother for the first time!

Proud Daddy pic!
My baby boy!!
Gibson getting to hold Brody for the first time. Lots of lovin'!
And.....he's done! He saw Brody, got to hold him & give him kisses. Now, he just wants to eat. He's still like that today. Doesn't really pay attention to him unless Brody is crying loud enough to interupt his cartoons.
Finally....a little room to stretch out!!
All cleaned up after his first bath. Handsome boy!!

Meet the Dyess family! All FOUR of us!

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers