Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I'll fix it for you Mom!!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Christmas Pics!!!
Sadly, that is it for Christmas pictures. *wipes tear* I still can't believe I didn't take any pics on Christmas morning with Santa. Oh well, I'll make a note to do better next year. I'm caught up on pics now. Yeah for me!!!!! Maybe now I'll stay caught up. (I doubt it!) :)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
All the Raindrops....
Here is the other video. I'm totally guilty of purposely making him sing so that I could get the full effect of the medicine on video. PLEASE tune out my singing in the background. Jason is the singer in the family not me. :) I thought G did pretty good considering he was on the 'good stuff'. My favorite part of this video is G putting his hands in front of his face and looking thru his fingers. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have been able to pass a field sobriety test. Oh well, he had a designated driver so all was good. I hope you all have had a great week. Have an even better weekend!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Surgery Pics and Holes in the Nose Video!
Gibson did great during the surgery. The doctor got the tubes in and the adenoids out with no problem. After the surgery is a different story. He didn't react very well to the anesthesia. He started waking up and started fighting with the nurses at the same time. When Jason & I walked into recovery, there were 2 nurses trying to hold him and keep him from kicking them and pulling his iv out. He got some more good meds to help calm him down before we could leave recovery. After he calmed WAY down, we went to a post-op room where he got to eat a couple of Popsicles. He wasn't thrilled about having to eat or drink. He just wanted the iv out. The nurse told him she would take the iv out as soon as he ate a Popsicle and drank his juice. I don't think she was counting on G keeping track of EXACTLY when he finished his Popsicle and juice. As soon as he was done, he started pulling on the iv to get it out. He slept for another hour or so at the hospital and then we got to go home. Where he slept for another 3 or 4 hours. After his little cat nap, he was ready to go. Same old G.....wanting to play with his tow truck & race car. It was like nothing had happened. After a couple of weeks of REALLY bad breath, G got the doctor report yesterday that everything looked good. So, hopefully, we are set for the next year or so on tubes.
That's all I got for now. Eventually I'll get caught up on posting. Have a great rest of the week!
Monday, January 5, 2009
He's such a trooper!!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
I've still have tons of pictures to post. I'll try and get caught up in the next week or so. My washer broke so I've been trucking our laundry down to Mom's to wash and back to our house to dry. Anyways, G's surgery is tomorrow. Please keep us in your prayers! I'll try and update tomorrow afternoon about the surgery. Have a great Monday!!