Just to warn you....I don't have any pictures tonight. There are a few on the camera but I'd have to hunt down the camera, the cord, wait for the pictures to upload and then decide which ones I want. That sounded like too much work for me tonite. I'm a little under the weather so I'm being extremely lazy. But I'm waiting for Jason to finish re-stringing his guitar so I have time to kill.
SOOOO, here's this weeks Thursday's Thirteen!
Thirteen Things I Love About Being Gibson's Mom!
- Hearing Little G say "I love you"....the ones that are unsolicited are the best but I take what I can get.
- Hearing Gibson laugh....sometimes he will laugh until he gets the hiccups!
- Gibson hugs....his hugs are so sincere (most of the time).
- Pats on the back...there are times when Gibson will just walk up to me and pat me on the back. As if to say "I'm here Mom and I love you!".
- This one is kind of selfish...I love that Gibson is such a good sleeper and has been since about 3 months. God works in mysterious ways!
- I love it when I catch him talking to himself or playing by himself. It's funny to see and hear how his mind sees things.
- He is SO smart! He can spell his name (first and last) all by himself. He can pick out the letters of his name and tell you what each letter is. He can count to twenty. He can say his ABC's (you can't always understand all the letters but you get the idea anyways.) He knows most of his colors. I could go on and on.....
- I love his little birth mark....I have one very similar. It reminds me that he is part me since he looks SOOO much like his daddy.
- I love it when he is so proud of himself....His little smile just beams and brightens up the whole room.
- The way he pronounces some of his words just makes me smile! He'll say "hell-OOOOOO" or "I pell down".
- His love of outdoors....I seriously think he would stay outside all day every day if I would let him. Neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow.....you get the point!
- When he gets in trouble, he sits in the corner and can't get up until he apologizes. His "I srreee momma" and hug is priceless!
- His animal impresonations...the kid can make all kinds of animal impresonations. My favorites are elephant, monkey, duck, rooster and horse! He always closes his eyes when he pretends to me a rooster or horse!
Obviously, these aren't the only things I love about being Gibson's mom. But these are the first 13 I thought of. (keep in mind I'm taking cold medication which makes me drowsy. so you'll just have to excuse any of the above if it doesn't make sense.)
Have a great weekend!!!