I was so busy trying to get Gibson to take a picture with Santa that I missed Gibson actually telling Santa what he wanted for Christmas. I picked up in the middle of the conversaion. Santa asked Gibson if he had been a good boy this year. Gibson was quick to answer!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Santa sings Rudolph!
This is at the EMS Christmas party. Santa was awesome!!! Gibson LOVES this song....he knows most of the words but was so in awe of Santa, he only sang the "Ho! Ho! Ho!" part.
Santa trades sleigh for ambulance!
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! We had a great Christmas. Gibson got a tow truck (which is ALL he has asked for for months) and a trampoline from Santa. Jason & I got him a bike and a few other things. All in all, as usual, Gibson racked up and now it's up to me to try to figure out how to fit it all in our house.
With all the Christmas festvities, I've gotten VERY behind on posting pictures. This post is from Jason's work Christmas party. We basically all bring a dish of food and Jason's boss supplies the turkey, ham and a few veggies. I should have took a picture of all the food we had this year. We could have fed a large army with all the leftovers we had. Needless to say, all the shifts ate very well with all the leftovers we had.
Santa squeezes in time every year to come to the part. (Just for the record....this Santa is as close to the real Santa as you can get. The pictures don't do him justice at all. I'll try and post a video so you can get a little better idea. He's an amazing Santa.) Every year he arrives at the Christmas party in an ambulance. (I know....kinda corny.....but the kids love it.) This is the first year Gibson has been beyond excited to see Santa. I know this first picture is very blurry but he was running at the time. I think you can see the excitement on his face through the blur. :)
Santa makes his entrance and Gibson goes right up to him to give him hugs.
Waiting patiently for his turn to see Santa
Another one....
Last one....
After taking present requests, Santa passes out presents that he brought....
Finally! Tear in!
A race car!!!!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Can I offer you something to drink?
Tonight we decorated the Christmas tree down at Mom & Dad's house. (A little late I know....but they have been remodeling so the last few weeks have been crazy.) When we got home, Gibson wanted orange juice to drink. I open the fridge to find the following:
Egg Nog (for Jason! Yuck!).......
Leftover spaghetti for tomorrows lunch........
No....we did not eat at a Thai or Chinese restaurant. (I know that's really gross. I've been hanging out with Jason for too long.) It's Gibson's dog that he sleeps with. Technically, he has 4 dogs. He has had them since he was very little. I rotate dogs and keep them washed. When he is ready to go to sleep, he holds the satin side of the dog on his face and rolls his head from side to side until he falls asleep. Anyways, I'm not sure how dog got in the fridge but Gibson thought it was pretty funny that dog was in the fridge with his orange juice. :)
Gotta get to bed....it's 12:31 in the morning and I had a late night last night too. I need sleep! Have a great Friday!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Picture tag!
I'm a long time lurker of Suzanne over at Steece's Pieces. She has a very inspiring story. If you haven't read it, check it out. Make sure you have a few days (lol) and a box of tissues.
So I decided to play along.
The object of the picture tag is to:
1) Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer
2) Select the 4th picture in the folder
3) Explain the picture
4) Tag 4 people to do the same
NO CHEATING! (cropping, editing, etc!)
The object of the picture tag is to:
1) Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer
2) Select the 4th picture in the folder
3) Explain the picture
4) Tag 4 people to do the same
NO CHEATING! (cropping, editing, etc!)
Here's mine!
G was only about 10 days old here. *wipes tear* It cracks me up because he is ALL paci. :)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The Tree, The Program, The Parade & The Lights!
Guess what????? My snazzy new computer is here! Merry Christmas to J & S! Yeah!!! I'm so excited! I need to be doing at least a million different things right now....folding laundry, wrapping gifts, fixing goodie bags but I can't tear myself away. I didn't realize how bad off my other computer was. So here's a snazzy new (very quick) post from my snazzy new computer! :)I'll post more details and better pics later!
We put our new bargin $25 PRE-LIT Christmas tree up and got it decorated! It's quite a bit smaller than our other tree but I'm okay with that because we don't have tons of room AND we don't have to string the lights on! :) So after we got the tree up, I talked Gibson into taking a few pictures. We've been working on staying still when you get your picture taken. (Stop laughing! He's got to learn sometime.) Here's Gibson being as very still as he can be! LOL
Singing his songs! He did such a good job. I was very impressed! You can see Payden in this picture too. He was a cow.
I went down the hallway the other night to check on Gibson. He was being a little too quiet. I found him like this. He was being a reindeer and the booster seat is Santa's sleigh! I'd say he is quite ready for Christmas!
Jason was able to stop by for a few minutes and watch the parade with Gibson.
FINALLY!!! I can get a video to work!
G's rendition of Jesus Loves Me!
More to come later!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Quick Update....
I know I still haven't posted pics from the last time. My excuse is my poor computer is dying a slow and painful death. :) We've got a new computer on the way and it should be here sometime this week. I'm so excited because I'm SO frustrated with this stupid computer. Anyways, the quick update part is that Gibson's surgery has been moved to January 5th. It made all kinds of financial sense as far as the deductible on Gibson's insurance. I'll explain more later. As for now, I can't wait for my new computer so that I can post all the pics from the last couple of weeks. Have a great week!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
We're back from the ENT doctor. Gibson's ears are full of fluid. They aren't infected at this point but they are full. Yuck! So here's the deal! Gibson is getting tubes in his ears and getting his adenoids removed. Part of me is relieved. The tubes should help with the chronic ear infections and help improve his speech. Removing his adenoids should help with his breathing. The other part of me is scared to death because he will have to be put under anaesthea to have the adenoids removed. I'm not thrilled about him being intubated and put under anaesthea but I'm trying to look at the bigger picture. He would be well a lot more often and feel much better! I know that it is a simple surgery and I really like and trust the doctor. Surgery is scheduled for December 29th. The doctor said he should be back to normal by the next day and ready to play with all his new Christmas toys. :) Please keep us in your prayers!
ps-I'll have pictures to post this weekend of Gibson's Christmas play.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
In Sickness and Health...and birthday parties & leaves!
A quick picture update...
A few weeks ago, Gibson complained of a headache. I wasn't sure what to think about a 3 year old having a headache. Kinda weird huh? He would hold his head and cry. Nothing would console him. There were brief moments when the Motrin was kicked in and working good that he was his normal playful self. But if the meds weren't working full blast, he was hurting. He didn't have any other complaints and no fever so I was a little freaked out. So we took him to the doctor and as it turns out, it was strep throat and another ear infection! I had no idea a headache was a symptom of strep! Bless his heart! He hadn't complained at all with his throat hurting and wasn't running fever which I thought were the main 2 symptoms of strep. Leave it to our kid to have the oddball symptoms! So ten days on antibiotics and he's good to go! We went back to the doctor this past week for a check-up on his ear infection. There was still some fluid so we are going to the ENT doctor on Thursday this week. I'll let you know what he says later this week!
So for 2 days, the nap pad in the living room was Gibson's home.
And he watched entirely too much tv. I guess that's at least one benefit of being sick. :)
Once he was feeling better, Gibson decided to ride off into the sunset on his sturdy horse!
After we were mended from strep, Gibson had cousin Hannah's birthday party to attend. It was at one of the gyms here in town. I just knew Gibson would have so much fun with the foam pit and the trampolines. He wasn't as thrilled about it as what I thought he was going to be. He would only jump into the pit off of the blue pad that was supposed to be for crawling out. He let us throw him in a couple of times. All in all, he wasn't very excited about the foam pit. :(
He did like the trampolines! He's always been a jumper!

I guess one of his favorite parts was this wheel thingy. Jason was on duty but was able to come by to visit. So Jason pushed him in this wheel and Gibson thought it was tons of fun! Sorry the pic is so blurry but you can still see how much fun he was having!

Jumping on the trampoline!

Back in the wheel thingy

After all the jumping and playing, Gibson was starving. He basically inhaled his cake! This is the first time he's EVER ate an entire piece of birthday cake!

Last weekend was the Tinsel & Tiding's craft show. We took Gibson thinking we were going to see Santa. Last year they had Santa and you could sit in his lap and have your picture taken for $5. So, off we went this year, with $13 dollars in my pocket for any snacks we might need to but to get Gibson through the show. Nannie gave Gibson $5 to see Santa. So, Santa was there but they had a professional photographer there to take the pictures and the minimum picture package you had to purchase was $20. So, Jason & I had got to explain to a 3 year old why he couldn't see Santa because we didn't have enough money! I was so frustrated! I was mad at myself for not grabbing any more money or at least the checkbook. Oh well! Lesson learned! (Don't worry! Gibson will get to see Santa at Jason's work Christmas party this week. Santa shows up riding in an ambulance so to Gibson that's the best of both worlds!)
With our check-up this past week, Gibson's doctor decided that Gibson probably needed to do a few days of breathing treatments to help get rid of this cough that will not go away. Just wanted to stop any asthma problems before they got too bad. He such a big boy and sits there with his big boy medicine the whole time.

Thanksgiving Day 2008!
Nannie & Papaw spent their Thanksgiving morning raking & burning leaves. They got one side of the yard done but ran out of time on the other side of the yard. So we took advantage of the leaves and snapped pictures of the boys!
Here's Payden!
Uncle Josh is throwing leaves on them here!

Gibson showing Meme the leaves! And trying not to break it! :)
Payden getting buried in the leaves! Bless his heart! He had leaves in EVERY nook and cranny of his body! They wiped him down from head to toe! I'm guessing they'll find a few more leaves in his cast on Tuesday when he gets a new cast put on! :)
G: "It's raining leaves!"

More raining! :)

Gibson was tired of the raining leaves and was letting it be known! Payden thought Gibson was pretty funny!
I'm sure there are other moms out there just like me. I HATE having my picture taken. But now I wish that I would just get over it because I can't find very many pictures of Gibson and myself. So as a very early new year's resolution, I want to make sure I get more pictures of Gibson & I together. We'll see how well I do. :)

And he watched entirely too much tv. I guess that's at least one benefit of being sick. :)

I guess one of his favorite parts was this wheel thingy. Jason was on duty but was able to come by to visit. So Jason pushed him in this wheel and Gibson thought it was tons of fun! Sorry the pic is so blurry but you can still see how much fun he was having!

Jumping on the trampoline!

Back in the wheel thingy

After all the jumping and playing, Gibson was starving. He basically inhaled his cake! This is the first time he's EVER ate an entire piece of birthday cake!

Last weekend was the Tinsel & Tiding's craft show. We took Gibson thinking we were going to see Santa. Last year they had Santa and you could sit in his lap and have your picture taken for $5. So, off we went this year, with $13 dollars in my pocket for any snacks we might need to but to get Gibson through the show. Nannie gave Gibson $5 to see Santa. So, Santa was there but they had a professional photographer there to take the pictures and the minimum picture package you had to purchase was $20. So, Jason & I had got to explain to a 3 year old why he couldn't see Santa because we didn't have enough money! I was so frustrated! I was mad at myself for not grabbing any more money or at least the checkbook. Oh well! Lesson learned! (Don't worry! Gibson will get to see Santa at Jason's work Christmas party this week. Santa shows up riding in an ambulance so to Gibson that's the best of both worlds!)
The Tinsel & Tiding's show did have a bounce house that the kids could jump in for FREE! (I wondered if they felt a little guilty for charging $20 for a picture with Santa.) Anyways, Gibson had a blast except for it was FREEZING COLD outside. So once he started jumping, he decided real quick he needed to take a potty break! :)

Thanksgiving Day 2008!

Here's Payden!

Gibson showing Meme the leaves! And trying not to break it! :)

More raining! :)

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