Friday night, Gibson refused to go to bed. It was going on 10:30 and the kid was still in his room singing and playing with his dog. So I finally convinced him to go to sleep because when he woke up in the morning we would go see the ambulances, police cars and fire trucks at the parade. That did it! The kid fell asleep and I didn't hear a peep from him all night.
So Saturday we went to the Christmas parade. He had such a good time! Of course, he LOVED the ambulances, police cars & fire trucks. But the parade exceeded his expectations when it had TRACTORS & MARCHING BANDS! He was in heaven!
(Mom was nice enough to take pictures for me and she'll tell you she's not very good at taking pics. So just ignore the Lexus in the picture. It certainly isn't ours and had I realized it was a Lexus I wouldn't have propped my big butt on it throughout the parade. Thanks Mom for taking pics!)
Here we are enjoying the parade!

Gibson watching the band and the ambulance!

Fire Trucks!

Checking everything out!
Gibson jumped up & down the entire time the first band marched by us. So when the second band went by us, Mom decided to video. Except she didn't know (and I didn't realize) she was videoing sideways! Sorry! Just tilt your head a little! You'll also notice the poor quality of the video. Sorry again! Mom was trying not to get ran over my the band but still keep Gibson in the video. Then my old band director stopped to say hi and got in the video. Videoing at a parade is difficult to say the least. :) You can see Gibson marching with the band and waving goodbye to the band.
On Saturday night, Jason, Gibson and I went downtown to watch Cas Haley and his band, Woodbelly, play. You may know him from America's Got Talent but we've known him and his talent for years. Jason played in a band with him for a while. Jason has always said that Cas would make it big one day! Also, Cas's brother-in-law is the bass player for Post Oak Savannah! We're super proud of Cas!
Gibson enjoyed listening to the reggae music! He danced and ran around (until he got hungry)!

I did have to fight him to keep his jacket on. It wasn't too cool unless the wind was blowing and then it was down right chilly. (Look can see
Cas on stage!)

Sunday was a beautiful day! Windy but beautiful! Gibson and I took advantage of the weather and played outside while Jason was stuck in the attic (aka the hell pit of darkness) installing the phone lines for the
Internet. I hate it when Jason is stuck doing house stuff instead of spending time with us! With his work schedule, I like to eat up as much family time as possible!
Gibson liked running through the leaves! (I should have raked some up in a pile but like I said it was windy and that would've been pointless.)
(Once again, please ignore the back door where my ignorant
weenie dog has scratched off the paint. That's the East Texas Redneck coming out in us (or at least the house). We'll get it repainted one of these days. It's at the bottom of the honey-do list.)
Next, we played with sidewalk chalk on the back porch.
Gibson usually swings on his
swing set while I pick up around the yard. (Our
German Shepard is like having another kid to pick up after.) Apparently, Gibson caught on to me cleaning up the yard and decided to help pick up the sticks on the ground.
He cleaned them up by throwing them over the fence! (I haven't the slightest idea where he got that from. For the record, over the fence is nothing but a pasture where the cows roam. I wouldn't throw sticks in someone
else's yard.)

He has to make sure the sticks make it all the way over!

Here's Duke protecting Gibson as he climbs up the ladder!

Getting ready to slide!
(Notice the new satellite on the house.....we're high tech now! We have a DVR!!!!)
And finally, Gibson has officially moved to a big boy chair. We bought him a booster seat and I put up the high chair. Just another step to Gibson becoming a big boy.
(Wait....let me wipe a tear. Although I'm not going to miss it being in my way in the kitchen.)
I can't believe how big he is! He's growing up WAY too fast! Sometimes I'll look at him sitting at the table like a big boy and he looks like he's five years old. That scares me to death. His independence means we're doing our job but it makes me want to cry. I know...I know.....that's parenthood!
He really likes sitting in a chair like Momma & Daddy! Here he is enjoying a bowl of spaghetti!
That's it for now! I've gotten much better at posting! I'll go ahead and warn you that the posts may slow down in the next month or two. First of all, I have yet to buy a single Christmas present. (yikes!) Second, work is going to be really crazy since we'll be moving hopefully towards the end of the month. I'll do my best to keep you updated. But no promises! :)