Sorry it's been so long since my last post. Time slipped by and I didn't realize that it had been so long. Gibson started back to school at the first of September. He loves it! His teacher is Ms. Petra and he really likes her. We pick him up from school and he just "talks" our ears off. We can only understand a few words but he's still telling us all about his day. Jason was at work on Gibson's first day of school but was able to swing by the school so we could both be there for Gibson's first day.
Here's Jason and Gibson walking into school.
My sister found Gibson a Sit & Spin at a recent garage sale. He loves it!!!
Here's a cute picture of his Kool-Aid mouth. He looks like a clown. :)
Jason has decided to sell his bass amp and cabinet so he spent a while cleaning up the amp last night. Gibson wanted to help make sure the amp was assembled correctly! He such a big helper!
That's all I got for now. I've got pics of Payden's first steps and his first birthday party. I'll try and post those soon!