Monday, July 2, 2007

Bald is Beautiful!

This post will be short because I can barely see to type through the tears. Jason and I decided that we were going to cut Gibson's hair short. If you look at the pics from his birthday party, he was so hot and we were sure that a shorter haircut would help keep him cool. His hair is so thick (like his momma's) that it keeps his little head really warm. So, instead of torturing the poor barber, we decided we'd cut it at home. Below are the results. We didn't exactly want it so short. But after the first cut, there was no turning back. At least it'll grow back fast! :-)
Here's a before shot!
This is the first cut! At this point, Jason and I were almost sick. We didn't want it this short at all but it was too late. :-(

Is this not a look of desperation? Just looking at this makes me nauseous!

Almost finished! Just the back to go and he looks so upset! Did I mention how much he hated getting his hair cut before this traumatic event? He won't set foot near a barber shop now!

Back to his old self! All smiles and loving on Daddy!

So, I'm hoping I can move past the mourning of his hair loss. I know it will grow back but it doesn't take back the fact that his parents scalped him. How horrible is that!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Happy Birthday!

So today, technically yesterday since it's about 12:30 on Sunday morning at the moment, is Gibson's 2nd birthday. It's hard to believe. I've caught myself thinking several times throughout the day of exactly what I was feeling 2 years ago today. Clueless is the first thing that comes to mind. Overwhelmed would be the second. Gibson has never been an "easy" baby or kid. He's not one to just sit in the floor and play for hours on end with a cardboard box. That's not exciting enough for him. There are times where he's a tough kid to handle but he's worth every moment of frustration. He's a great kid (most of the time) and I wouldn't change a single thing about him. I think God made him this way to teach me way more than I can ever teach Gibson. I've learned so much in the last 2 years. And while I'm not professing perfection, I do feel as though I'm a much better person than I was 2 years ago. Not that I was some sort of evil before. But I've learned to let things go and not worry so much about the small stuff (and I continue to work on that every day). Anyways, enough reminiscing. Here are some pictures from the party!

Gibson loves to slide!!!

He was so very hot! I think that in this picture he's wishing he was a December baby. ;-) He acted like he really wanted the cake. But once he got a piece, he decided he didn't like it. Guess that's a 2 year old's prerogative.

For his birthday, Gibson got a lot of GREAT presents from all his family & friends. So far, I've got pictures of him playing on the trampoline that we got him. He's always been a bouncer so, of course, he LOVES his trampline.

This trampline was one of the best on our "All-Time Best Investments" list. It runs a close second to the knee pad that we use when we bath Gibson. It's actually for working in flower beds or something. But, it saves our knees come bath time. (and I haven't a clue what's on the tv in the background. it doesn't even look vaguely familiar.)

After a long day (without a nap) and an afternoon of birthday party excitement, he collapsed! Sleeping like a baby! (not really a baby anymore though.) :-(

That's it for now! I'm pooped! Time for bed!!! Yeah!!!

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers